About the forum

At the Swiss Social Economy Forum, social entrepreneurs and representatives of social businesses, cooperatives, and other impact-oriented organizations exchange ideas with stakeholders from science, politics, and civil society.

The forum creates visibility for topics around impact-oriented business and the social economy in Switzerland. Networking at the Forum is intended to inspire actors and strengthen the framework conditions for the sector in discussions with other stakeholders.

The Social Economy includes a variety of companies & organizations that pursue a positive social impact as the purpose of their activity, seeing financial profit as a means to an end.

The sector contributes to solving current societal challenges with its activities in various industries and a wide range of topics. In this way, it makes a strong and important contribution to the well-being of Switzerland.

The Swiss Social Economy Forum was initiated by SENS and is held in a different city each year.

About SENS

Impact-oriented, meaningful, responsible, collaborative, business for social impact - whatever these long-standing and new ways of doing business are called - SENS is committed to more business collaboration for the benefit of society.

Even now, many companies are pursuing goals other than just financial success. They care about the positive impact and meaning of what they do. We see great potential here, and this is where we strengthen, network and research.

We are convinced: Social entrepreneurs make a strong and important contribution to the social and economic well-being of Switzerland. However, their added value is still too little known. What is missing is a reference point for information and public relations, a national platform for cross-industry networking and, last but not least, visible appreciation. That's what we want to do and that's why we form the voice for impact-oriented business practices in Switzerland with SENS.

More information at www.sens-suisse.ch

The SSEF is the annual meeting of the
Swiss social entrepreneurship community.


Rahel Pfister

Silvan Scherer

Lea Fuchs

Beni Rohrbach

Lea Grüter


You have suggestions, ideas or questions?
Get in touch: forum@sens-suisse.ch